Research at EdTech Hub

There is a lack of rigorous evidence about how technology can improve learning, teaching, and strengthen systems in low and middle income countries. We’re here to fill that gap.

We synthesize existing research to consolidate current knowledge and identify evidence gaps
Hub-led research to generate new knowledge and fill evidence gaps
Supporting partners to conduct rigorous research that will help fill evidence gaps

In response to Covid-19 school closures, the Hub wrote a series of eight Rapid Evidence Reviews on relevant topics.


The Hub will carry out small studies to help fill specific evidence gaps using methods such as design-based research and political economy analysis.


The Hub will announce a call for proposals for long-term studies that assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of technology interventions. Stay tuned for information on the evidence gaps the call will be aiming to fill.

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The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in the content on this site do not necessarily reflect the views of The UK government, Bill & Melinda Gates foundation or the World Bank, the Executive Directors of the World Bank, or the governments they represent.

EDTECH HUB 2025. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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