EdTech Events
EdTech Hub regularly hosts events around the calendar year, often featuring leading academics and experts in the field of education and EdTech

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Our events offer an opportunity to hear from the authors behind the work, with a particular focus on our topic areas.
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Free Writing Workshops for Emerging African Researchers in EdTech
In collaboration with emerge Africa, we are pleased to offer this series of 3 writing workshops with EdTech experts, designed for researchers and packed with practical tips. The workshops are particularly aimed at emerging African EdTech researchers.
In a context where Sub-Saharan African education systems, economic systems, governmental systems, academia, and the region itself continue to experience the legacies of colonisation, this workshop series seeks to create and support a sustainable and critical community of emerging researchers, research-practitioners and academics in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), with a focus on the field of Education Technology (EdTech) in order to:
- address the colonial issues embedded in the field of EdTech, and academic publishing systems and processes whereby epistemic orthodoxy systematically excludes non-Western epistemological, ontological, and methodological practices, and;
- produce ground-breaking work that will catalyse distinctively African educational scholarship, voices, thoughts, experiences and agendas.
EdTech Hub joined eLearning Africa 2023
We were thrilled to announce that EdTech Hub participated in eLearning Africa 2023. We were excited to have sponsored the Ministerial Round Table as we presented our vision for building a movement of high-impact and evidence-based EdTech in Africa, highlighting evidence and learnings from our close partnerships with government ministries in Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Ghana, and Sierra Leone.
Utafiti Elimu Tanzania 2023
Karibu Utafiti Elimu Tanzania 2023 is an evidence event exploring the education landscape in Tanzania and how research on interventions can support the sector. Utafiti Elimu Tanzania (UET) is a partnership enterprise between the Government of Tanzania, the University of Dar es Salaam, Aga Khan Foundation, EdTech Hub, the Global Education Evidence Advisory Panel (GEEAP), and British Council.
The invitation-only event brought together senior individuals from a range of backgrounds to discuss how to address the existing gaps between evidence, policy and practice on education research in areas including new ways to address teacher shortage and climate resilient education and infrastructure.

Educational technology (EdTech) can play a powerful role in supporting teachers. Pre-service and in-service teacher education (collectively defined here as teacher professional development, or TPD) are pivotal in raising teaching quality and, therefore, learning outcomes for children and young people in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). However, TPD opportunities in LMICs are often limited and unsustained, with mixed outcomes. Technology offers productive opportunities to provide tailored and flexible forms of formal and informal professional learning for diverse needs and contexts.
Socio-emotional Learning (SEL) encompasses a wide range of skills, attitudes, and competencies which serve as strong determinants of an individual’s well-being. Globally, the interest in building SEL has been on the rise over the last two decades, but the Covid-19 pandemic has made the need to focus on these skills a lot more immediate.
Around the world, governments, the private sector, and civil society are developing digital platforms for learning. In doing so, two main trends have emerged: either a platform is developed from scratch (which can be costly) or an off-the-shelf solution that doesn’t quite meet contextual needs is used.
Introducing: A Festival of Voices
On Thursday 22nd July 2021, The EdTech Hub and Sandbox Community got together to share their experiences of implementing EdTech.
On Wednesday 21st July 2021, UNICEF, the World Bank, and EdTech Hub co-hosted a side event of the Global Education Summit: Financing GPE 2021–2025.
The event featured a discussion of shared ambitions and challenges of reaching children with high-quality digital learning. It included government perspectives on national EdTech priorities, EdTech Hub perspectives on coordinated assistance in support of those priorities, and partner reflections.
On Tuesday 23rd March 2021, EdTech Hub held a roundtable hosted by Cambridge Network for Disability and Education Research (CaNDER) and School of Education (University of Glasgow) to discuss the findings of a systematic literature review focusing on the extent to which EdTech is supporting the learning of children with disabilities in primary school settings in low and middle-income countries.
Panellists included:
- Charlotte V. McClain-Nhlapo – Global Disability Advisor of the World Bank Group.
- Sarah Shaikh – Deaf Reach Schools, Training Centers and Colleges, Family Educational Services Foundation in Pakistan.
- Jenipher Ngwira-Mbukwa – Head of Special Needs Education Department, The Catholic University of Malawi
Findings from the systematic review, presented by Dr Paul Lynch (University of Glasgow) and Dr Gill Francis (University of York). Chaired by Professor Nidhi Singal (University of Cambridge).
On March 2nd 2021, EdTech Hub brought together education leaders, including teachers, programme managers, and policymakers, to reflect on a year of EdTech and Covid-19, discuss the lessons learned so far and consider how we can prepare for the future.
Speakers included:
- Helen Grant MP, UK Prime Minister’s Special Envoy on Girls’ Education
- David Sengeh, Sierra Leone’s Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education and Head of the Directorate of Science, Technology and Innovation
- Ranjit Disale, Global Teacher Prize Winner 2020
- Sarah Shaikh, Director, Deaf Reach Program, Pakistan
- Albert Nsengiyumva, Executive Secretary of the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)