A bright blue background with a constellation style design, reading Let's Talk AI

This op-ed is part of a series hosted by the AI Observatory, offering perspectives on key issues in AI. We hope you find this opinion piece thought-provoking and encourage further discussion on the topic. Tests in the age of AI Tests conjure up anxiety and dread in many, but beyond a certain age, we are rarely tested without the aid…

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A bright blue background with a constellation style design, reading Let's Talk AI

Since launching the AI Observatory, we’ve been in listening mode — meeting and discussing AI with people across the world. These conversations have surfaced key trends, tensions, and paradoxes that shape how AI is evolving in different contexts. Signal spotting Some of the paradoxes that are coming up: AI is evolving at breakneck speed… and yet, not fast enough, with…

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A lady holds an i-pad studying the screen, set on a blue background

Harnessing Evidence to Drive Success Insights from our Evidence-Led EdTech Entrepreneurship Course Over the last two years, the EdTech Hub Evidence-Led EdTech Entrepreneurship Course has graduated over 100 entrepreneurs from across Africa who embarked on a journey, navigating through structured learning paths, engaging with experts, and connecting with peers. Their goal? To harness evidence in foundational literacy and numeracy, product…

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Messaging Apps, SMS, and Social Media: A Rapid Evidence Review

Photo of Wunni Sabo and another parent from the Zarantinga community reading a nudge message on their mobile phone. Credit: Daniel Peprah. Wunni Sabo, a parent from the Zarantinga community, recalls how his perspective on education changed when he began receiving nudge messages on his mobile phone from School for Life, a research partner of EdTech Hub. These messages urged…

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Last year, the Government of Tanzania initiated an overhaul of its basic education system, captured in the 2023 Policy Reform.  This reform has been characterised by a renewed commitment to competence-based learning, and the integration of technology and inclusive approaches. The goal is to improve learning outcomes significantly.  With funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), EdTech Hub…

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This blog is written by colleagues from the Busara Centre for Behavioural Economics, as part of a joint research project with EdTech Hub investigating the impact of educational television on learning outcomes in Kenya. Image showing children working together to build a structure. Credit: Busara Centre for Behavioural Economics. In Kenya education is going through a transformation. Implementing the Competency…

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Image showing attendees of the two-day workshop for SEND in Malawi. Credit: Charity Kanyoza. Workshop Goals Over 240 million children are living with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) across the world (UNICEF, 2022). Yet, relatively little is known about how EdTech can be leveraged to create more inclusive education systems. This area remains particularly under-researched in low- middle-income countries,…

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The convergence of technology and education is reshaping classroom dynamics, influencing teaching methodologies, and shaping societal trajectories. EdTech East Africa spearheads collaborative dialogues, uniting visionaries to innovate educational paradigms. The recent Pwani EdTech Summit exemplifies the transformative power of collaboration and creativity in leveraging digital tools for inclusive learning environments globally. How do EdTech regional summits help deliver these stronger…

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Diagram showing opportunities for collaboration amongst EdTech researchers and entrepreneurs

Increasingly, researchers and entrepreneurs are recognising the potential of collaboration. In the world of EdTech, understanding what works, when, where, and how can turbocharge innovations for impact. Despite both sides recognising the value of coming together, entrepreneurs and researchers tend to inhabit different worlds and struggle to build the relationships and networks that are the first step in any collaboration. EdTech…

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EdTech Reports, Why does EdTech Matter, EdTech Must Reads

In an era where technology is rapidly transforming the way we live, work, and connect with the world, its impact on education cannot be overstated. EdTech in its many forms has emerged as a powerful catalyst for educational advancement, holding the potential to bridge gaps, expand horizons, and unlock new opportunities for teachers and learners around the globe. While its…

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