To address the global learning crisis, there must be a fundamental change in how technology is used in education. As global leaders join together in the coming days to commit to action at the Transforming Education Summit, we call for collaboration across the sector to build an evidence-driven future for EdTech in low- and middle-income countries, and explain the steps…

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For three days, between 11 and 13 May 2022, nearly 1,000 participants from over 70 countries spread across Africa and the world joined eLearning Africa’s 15th international conference on ICT in education, training, and skills development (eLA 2022). The conference attracted participants from Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, South Africa, Europe, and the United States of America.  This is Africa’s largest…

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At EdTech Hub, we’ve been reflecting on how coloniality is embedded in the work we do: from the colonial roots of the international development sector, to colonial practices embedded in research methods, to “core-to-periphery” design and deployment of EdTech interventions. We’ve just begun this journey, but in trying to embody one of our EdTech Hub values of ‘fearless and humble…

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