Photo 1: Séance de tournage de modèle vidéo à l’EPP Ambatomena à Antsirabe avec l’équipe multimédia du Ministère. Photo: Hasiniavo Rasolohery, 2022 Ce blog est disponible en anglais. Cliquez pour lire en anglais. Contexte Le Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale, via l’Institut National de Formation Pédagogique (INFP), prévoit d’utiliser les nouvelles technologies dans la formation sur les premiers pas en lecture-écriture…

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Despite two years of recovery since Covid-19 lockdowns, school systems worldwide still experience lower post-pandemic attendance levels than pre-Covid. Marginalised learners have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic. Several strategies are being used to accelerate returns to schooling. Messaging is one strategy that is often regarded as likely to be highly cost-effective.  Our Hub-led research in Ghana tests and compares…

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MEWAKA (Mafunzo Endelevu kwa Walimu Kazini, or Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development (TCPD)) is a landmark teacher professional development programme being implemented by the Government of Tanzania. The programme is decentralised, with teacher learning based in schools and focused on semi-structured Communities of Learning (CoLs). CoLs are spaces where teachers can gather weekly to discuss and reflect on issues most relevant…

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Call for Papers in a Special Issue on Decolonising EdTech

At EdTech Hub, we’ve been reflecting on how coloniality is embedded in our work: from the colonial roots of the international development sector to colonial practices embedded in research methods to “core-to-periphery” design and deployment of EdTech interventions. We’ve previously blogged about resources for tackling coloniality and digital neocolonialism in EdTech, decolonising Open Educational Resources and a reflection on personalised…

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As governments in Eastern and Southern Africa lean into education reform to adapt to the changing needs of their societies and tackle the global learning crisis, the integration of technology has become a central piece of these reforms. This is particularly the case in the post-Covid-19 world, where the need to build resilient education systems that support learning outside the…

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New research from EdTech Hub explores the response to climate emergencies following the Pakistan floods – the worst in recent history – and highlights the importance of utilising existing, most accessible technologies to ensure learning continuity. According to the Global Climate Risk Index, Pakistan is the country with the eight highest risk from the effects of climate change in the…

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For three days, between 11 and 13 May 2022, nearly 1,000 participants from over 70 countries spread across Africa and the world joined eLearning Africa’s 15th international conference on ICT in education, training, and skills development (eLA 2022). The conference attracted participants from Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, South Africa, Europe, and the United States of America.  This is Africa’s largest…

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At EdTech Hub, we’ve been reflecting on how coloniality is embedded in the work we do: from the colonial roots of the international development sector, to colonial practices embedded in research methods, to “core-to-periphery” design and deployment of EdTech interventions. We’ve just begun this journey, but in trying to embody one of our EdTech Hub values of ‘fearless and humble…

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Two years into the Covid-19 pandemic that has globally disrupted school systems and shined a bright light on the possibilities and pitfalls of education technology, EdTech Hub and partners gathered educators, government stakeholders, development and technology partners, policymakers, researchers, and more in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania to discuss two fundamental questions: what have we learned and what will we do…

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In March 2022, EdTech Hub’s executive director Verna Lalbeharie joined partners from the Aga Khan Foundation’s (AKF) Schools2030 programme for a school visit in Tanzania’s Temeke district. The visit coincided with the Utafiti Elimu Tanzania conference, of which AKF and EdTech Hub were co-sponsors, as well as data-collection for one the studies in the EdTech Hub research portfolio.  Toangoma primary…

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