Submitting a Helpdesk Request

How to submit a request

Are you an FCDO Education Adviser or World Bank education staff member? You are eligible to submit a request for Helpdesk support.

After clicking “Submit a request”, you will be asked for a password. If you have not received a password from Ian Attfield (FCDO) or World Bank, please contact them. The Helpdesk can only accept requests submitted through this form.

When to seek Helpdesk support

The EdTech Hub provides support on primary and secondary education. Requests related to tertiary education are usually out of our scope.

You should use the Helpdesk to inform education responses, programmes and projects that involve EdTech and digital learning.

This includes those led by FCDO, the World Bank, or other institutions with which FCDO or the World Bank are partnering, particularly government entities. These may include countries’ digital learning plans, proposals for funding programme designs, operational manuals, or implementation plans, in the case that these plans involve the use of EdTech. See the Hub’s evidence library for examples of our Helpdesk responses to date.

Coordination with partners

FCDO advisers and World Bank staff working in or with countries eligible for Helpdesk support should try to coordinate requests for Helpdesk support.

If multiple requests are submitted simultaneously from one country, the Helpdesk may link those requests together. For each request submitted, you will be asked to share contact information and identify a request “lead,” or key point of contact with whom the Helpdesk will liaise.

Helpdesk services

The Helpdesk accepts requests on a rolling basis and undertakes responses as capacity allows. As much as possible, the Helpdesk will distribute support evenly across eligible countries seeking support.

The Helpdesk provides several types of services in response to requests. These include expert consultation, programme document reviews, topic briefs, curated resource lists workshop facilitation, and participation in an event.

Expert Consultation

The Helpdesk offers virtual calls or sessions with experts from the Hub and our Specialist Network of consultants who can provide advice and input on a variety of topics. EdTech Hub specialists can consult directly with FCDO and World Bank teams, or join conversations with ministries of education and/or other partners.

Programme Document Review

Hub experts advise on EdTech issues by reviewing and making suggestions on key documents, such as consultant TORs, concept notes, project appraisal documents, business cases, terms of reference for technical assistance, operational manuals, implementation plans, and more. Their feedback may focus on a targeted set of questions that you identify, or could include in-line edits or comments, or a cover email to summarise general points. Please note that the scope of Hub document review does not include copyediting.

Topic Briefs

A topic brief is a five to fifteen page document summarising the Hub’s best current evidence-informed thinking and practical guidance on do’s and don’ts for a particular topic. It draws on both the explicit and tacit knowledge of Hub experts and members of our Specialist Network to contextualise an issue and synthesise key considerations. Topic briefs are developed primarily through desk research and can include background and context, definitions of key terms, and synthesis of existing evidence and examples. They may also include a list of resources, including grey and academic literature, for further reading. While informed by evidence, topic briefs are not exhaustive literature reviews.

Curated lists of resources

The Helpdesk provides curated lists of EdTech programmes, examples from low-and middle-income country contexts, innovative solutions, research papers, and more. These lists include context for the listed resources, including uses, strengths and limitations, cost information when available, and more. They are provided to requesters via a five to ten-page document. See examples of Helpdesk curated lists on EdTech researchinitiativesinteractive radio instruction, and EdTech in fragile- and conflict-affected settings


The Helpdesk team prepares content (slides, reading materials, interactive activities) and provides virtual facilitation of workshops on EdTech-related topics.


EdTech Hub staff members and our Specialist Network consultants can participate in virtual webinars, panels, brown bags or other types of virtual convenings to provide expert perspectives on EdTech.


In some cases, a combination of the above services may be most appropriate. For example, the Helpdesk might fulfil a request by first sharing an existing resource and conducting an expert consultation, and then following up to provide feedback on a specific programme document. Or, a Hub expert might review a programme document, and then provide a curated list of resources thereafter. While Helpdesk services can be combined and customised, if the scope of a request is large (e.g. there are multiple components or follow-on requests after the original), the Helpdesk team may separate out specific asks into distinct requests.

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EDTECH HUB 2025. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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