We, at Edtech Hub, are pleased to announce the launch of the AI Observatory. This is the first post and the start of what we’re hoping will be a lively and ongoing conversation between the Hub, educators, policymakers, developers, technologists and funders.  If that’s you then great, let’s start with three stories about this remarkable moment in time:  🔢 Rori,…

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Image showing a person holding a stack of books on blue background, text reading Call for journal submissions

Call for Submissions
The British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET) invites contributions for a special section titled “EdTech Implementation Research in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.” This section aims to address a critical gap by exploring implementation research that bridges educational research and practice in LMICs.

Why Implementation Research Matters
Implementation research examines how interventions—policies, programs, or practices—are carried into effect. While established in fields like healthcare and poverty alleviation, it remains underexplored in EdTech, particularly in LMICs. This approach generates evidence in real-time, enhances scalability, and prioritizes sustainability, distinguishing itself from evaluation or design-based research.

Scope of the Special Section
This special section seeks empirical studies focused on EdTech implementation in LMICs, engaging with decision-makers and addressing real-world challenges at various educational levels. Contributions will strengthen the evidence base, bridging the divide between research and practice, and fostering “evidence-informed practice” and “practice-informed evidence.”

For detailed criteria and submission guidelines, visit https://bera-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/hub/journal/14678535/homepage/call-for-papers/edtech-in-lmics.

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This blog highlights a conversation between Marian Abu, Director of Teacher Management at the Teaching Service Commission, and Madleen Frazer, Research Associate at EdTech Hub. Image showing a group of teachers sitting around a table and engaging in an activity. Image credit: EdTech Hub. Like many other low- and middle-income countries, Sierra Leone faces challenges in building an effective teaching…

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This blog features an independent review of a tool we found particularly useful. We’re sharing it in the hope that you’ll find it just as valuable for your own work. Exploring new tools for cost-effectiveness in EdTech As part of our ongoing work in cost-effectiveness analysis within our portfolio of research at EdTech Hub, we also look to other cost-effectiveness…

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Graphic style block with blue background, and the text: Sharing Knowledge and Evidence is Caring

This blog takes a conversational approach to sharing lessons from our programme, featuring fresh, independent perspectives from EdTech Hub. Our team highlights their top tips for using the Evidence Library, inspired by a recent guide we published on building your own. We hope you find these insights just as helpful for your work! Hello, 👋🏾 I’m Jillian, a Communications Officer…

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Two boys collaborate on a laptop in a classroom setting, sitting at a desk and focused on the screen.

Special education needs and disabilities BRIDGING THE GLOBAL EVIDENCE GAP FAST FACTS ABOUT OUR WORK RESOURCES Fast facts The challenge Our role Activities For nearly 240 million children living with disabilities globally, technology has the potential to revolutionise access to education, fostering independence, agency, and social inclusion. Yet, despite its promise, EdTech remains underutilised for learners with Special Educational Needs…

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This blog shares insights from a conversation between EdTech Hub’s Lea Simpson and EIDU’s Bernd Roggendorf as they explored the question: Can open-source unlock scalable solutions for EdTech? Setting the scene Under a “business as usual” scenario, current trends suggest we are decades away from achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4), which is ‘to ensure inclusive and…

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A lady holds an i-pad studying the screen, set on a blue background

Harnessing Evidence to Drive Success Insights from our Evidence-Led EdTech Entrepreneurship Course Over the last two years, the EdTech Hub Evidence-Led EdTech Entrepreneurship Course has graduated over 100 entrepreneurs from across Africa who embarked on a journey, navigating through structured learning paths, engaging with experts, and connecting with peers. Their goal? To harness evidence in foundational literacy and numeracy, product…

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Messaging Apps, SMS, and Social Media: A Rapid Evidence Review

Photo of Wunni Sabo and another parent from the Zarantinga community reading a nudge message on their mobile phone. Credit: Daniel Peprah. Wunni Sabo, a parent from the Zarantinga community, recalls how his perspective on education changed when he began receiving nudge messages on his mobile phone from School for Life, a research partner of EdTech Hub. These messages urged…

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