We’re excited to publish the first version of a tool to help you find and compare EdTech tools.

We’re excited to publish the first version of a tool to help you find and compare EdTech tools.
Preparing for after COVID-19 The legacy of school closures The consequences of closing schools After such a long break in schooling, students will return to school with large gaps in their knowledge. Not all students will have been able to learn at home effectively, and there will be a big difference in learning between students of the same age. In…
The COVID-19 response plan Many countries have closed schools to slow the spread of coronavirus. While the schools are closed education leaders have created or adapted programmes for remote learning. These pages detail a five step plan to help that process. Step 1 – Gather information Important questions to ask about your users Access to communication channels Mapping your users’…
Overview of emerging country-level response to providing educational continuity under COVID-19: Best practice in pedagogy for remote teaching Full Report PDF Download Scope of Report This report provides a rapid evidence summary of what is known about best practice in teaching when school students are educated by distance learning. It considers both theoretical concepts and empirical evidence relating to the…
When COVID-19 emerged as a clear and present danger, we in the Hub innovation team were forced to rethink our plans for 2020. We previously told you about our work and how it looks to support and scale innovation with real people in real life. Now we had to reassess what this would look like and how it could be most effective in responding to global school closures.
Overview of emerging country-level response to providing continuity under COVID-19 What steps are being taken to reach the most disadvantaged students during the period of Covid-19 school closure? FULL REPORT PDF DOWNLOAD Summary of report Scope of study This report provides a rapid summary of country-level responses to the management of school closures in 2020, with a focus on the…
Overview of emerging country-level response to providing educational continuity under COVID-19: best practice in pedagogy for remote teaching FULL REPORT PDF DOWNLOAD Summary of report Scope of study This report provides a rapid evidence summary of what is known about best practice in teaching when school students are educated by distance learning. It considers both theoretical concepts and empirical evidence…
Important questions to ask about your users Understanding your users Important questions to ask about your users Everything you do should be based on evidence. Without evidence you cannot be completely certain that you understand the needs of your users – teachers, students and parents. Unless you understand the needs of your users, your programme is unlikely to be effective.…
Written by EdTech Hub Helpdesk Management Team
Amid one of the biggest global disruptions to schooling in living memory, countries are quickly developing distance education responses for students. The EdTech Hub’s Helpdesk is providing evidence-informed responses to requests for support from governments and their partners as they face this challenge.
This blog was originally posted on the Center for Global Development blog with data used from the EdTech Hub’s database of interventions. Our database, which was initially limited to sub-Saharan Africa, now has a global scope. As the blog suggests, there is a need to increase the database’s representation of interventions in other regions. Please add your EdTech intervention to help us grow it!
With schools closed for hundreds of million students around the world, many have hoped that ‘EdTech’ can help keep children learning via internet, apps, and mobiles. A new database published by the “EdTech Hub” shows that though use of edtech products serving African countries has doubled in the last month, the total number of users is still very low, and most were viewers of one TV show. That, coupled with the fact that most firms come from just a few countries, suggests that edtech in Africa is far from maturity.