For three days, between 11 and 13 May 2022, nearly 1,000 participants from over 70 countries spread across Africa and the world joined eLearning Africa’s 15th international conference on ICT in education, training, and skills development (eLA 2022). The conference attracted participants from Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, South Africa, Europe, and the United States of America.  This is Africa’s largest…

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The RLH’s Learning Passport on a smartphone

Building a platform to allow governments to quickly select, approve, and reuse existing Open Educational Resources As the Covid-19 crisis led to school closures in March 2020, governments all over the world scrambled to move to remote teaching. But many countries struggled to find enough content to cover large parts of their curricula. Especially in Eastern and Southern Africa, fragile…

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Introduction The use of messaging in education is listed as the only ‘great buy’ in the World Bank’s comparative analysis of cost-effectiveness in EdTech interventions. But, the different studies on messaging cited in the report represent different approaches and contexts. One analysis of nudge messaging in education suggests that interventions often provide diverging results, with outcomes dependent on context. Two…

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