When disability is discussed in education, focus often goes to the learner, — but why do we so rarely focus on teachers with disabilities? How can we engage them in research on teacher professional development? Especially in research that focuses on whether adaptations to those teachers’ needs are being made in schools and at other levels of the education system.…

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This blog describes initial findings from two research projects in Pakistan: Technology to Empower Actors Across the Learning Ecosystem and Can Digital Technology Accelerate Learning and Skills? The team comprises researchers from Harvard University, University of Chicago, Pomona College, University of California, Berkeley and The World Bank. The team is grateful for funding support from EdTech Hub, The World Bank,…

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This blog is written by colleagues from the Busara Centre for Behavioural Economics, as part of a joint research project with EdTech Hub investigating the impact of educational television on learning outcomes in Kenya. Image showing children working together to build a structure. Credit: Busara Centre for Behavioural Economics. In Kenya education is going through a transformation. Implementing the Competency…

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Children in school looking at whiteboard that shows the message 'I come to school every day to learn new things' written in chalk

The education system in Pakistan has seen remarkable progress, with primary enrolment increasing from 55% to 73% in less than two decades. However, challenges remain, as average student learning needs significant improvement. About 44% of Class 3 students cannot read a simple sentence in English, highlighting the ongoing need for focused efforts to enhance educational outcomes (Annual Status of Education…

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Editor’s note: This is an Opinion piece and reflects the personal views and experiences of the author. It does not directly represent the EdTech Hub. We are excited to feature diverse perspectives from the sector and look forward to more conversations. Introducing evidence windows and helpdesks Too often in international education, and across international development more broadly, evidence created by…

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In order to explore how technology can be used to deliver Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) in low-resource environments, EdTech Hub partnered with Pakistan’s Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) on a study investigating the impact of learning outcomes through the use of EdTech during Covid-19 (Adil et al. 2021). This study has since been published as an open-access journal…

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Kenya, sometimes called the ‘Silicon Savannah’ of Africa, is home to one of the most vibrant EdTech ecosystems in Africa (see Otieno & Taddesse, 2020). Building on government initiatives such as the flagship Digital Literacy Programme (DLP), the country’s Covid-19 education response (Ngware & Ochieng, 2020) included tremendous efforts to provide distance learning solutions. This week, the Kenya EdTech Summit…

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This is Part 1 of a six-part blog series inspired by discussions with partners working in the EdTech space who recognize they do not have the information they need to make informed decisions and recommendations. With that in mind, we put together a series summarising what we have learned so far in each of our focus areas: Data for Decisions,…

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Raising readers

This blog is the first in a series exploring Raising Readers, an EdTech Hub and Worldreader research project set in Kenya seeking to better understand what drives parental engagement in learning and generate new evidence on what works in terms of learner equity, quality, and cost-efficiency. This blog sets out the human-centered design approach undertaken by Kenyan school officials, parents,…

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In March 2022, EdTech Hub’s executive director Verna Lalbeharie joined partners from the Aga Khan Foundation’s (AKF) Schools2030 programme for a school visit in Tanzania’s Temeke district. The visit coincided with the Utafiti Elimu Tanzania conference, of which AKF and EdTech Hub were co-sponsors, as well as data-collection for one the studies in the EdTech Hub research portfolio.  Toangoma primary…

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