Tools, Resources and Courses
to Advance EdTech

We partner with subject-area experts and organisations to explore the innovative and ever-evolving world of EdTech. We collect examples and methodologies of EdTech tools in theory and in practice and develop resources to help guide education decision-makers and EdTech creators. 

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EdTech Entrepreneurship Course

The EdTech Evidence for Entrepreneurs course is for Africa-based EdTech innovators and entrepreneurs who want to ensure their EdTech products use the best available evidence for how to improve teaching and learning outcomes.


Tech-Supported Structured Pedagogy Guide

‘Tech-Supported Structured Pedagogy’ is a choose-your-own-adventure guide from EdTech Hub to help you improve the process of classroom instruction. The material covered in this guide will not only help you learn more about the potential for technology to support structured pedagogy but also how to apply novel ideas to your own work.


EdData Tools

The EdData Tools dashboard provides a mapping of technologies through the data life cycle in the Education in Emergencies (EiE) sector, gathered through research and crowdsourcing. This mapping is by no means exhaustive. Use it to supplement other sources as you explore technology insights and examples in order to determine which technologies work best for your context! 

EdTech Tools for Teacher Continuous Professional Development

We know there are a lot of EdTech tools out there that can be used for teaching and learning. With so many tools at our fingertips, it can be difficult to know which tools to use, and how to use them in an evidence-based way.

To help, EdTech Hub has created curated lists of teacher professional development (TPD) tools along with evidence-based advice on how to effectively use them. After all, of course, it’s not only which tool you choose, but how you use it that will determine whether it will lead to better teaching and learning.

‘6Ps’ Audit Tool: How to ensure EdTech interventions take into account the whole education system

Technology exists within a broader system of factors that need to work together to make impact at scale. EdTech Hub has codified the system into 6Ps: people, product, pedagogy, policy, place, and provision. EdTech programmes need to engage and integrate with all parts of the system in order to be successful.

We have created the 6Ps Audit Tool to assess EdTech programmes and interventions and identify any gaps in the thinking and the areas of most uncertainty.

Tools for Running a Sandbox

When testing and growing EdTech, we often use an EdTech Hub sandbox approach. A sandbox helps to validate and scale EdTech interventions in conditions of uncertainty. We provide a team and toolkit to test bold ideas within education systems.

Since 2020, EdTech Hub has worked with partners in eight countries, to test and grow EdTech based on our sandbox methodology.

Here are the tools we used to get started:

This tool provides a non-exhaustive list of ways to design and run experiments.

This tool aims to help you get started with ways to design for innovation behaviors or mindsets and make them stick.

Research Instruments Pack

Discover our research instruments pack containing research tools that have been created by a collaboration between EdTech Hub, Aga Khan University, and Tanzania Institute of Education.

These tools were initially designed for a study aimed at examining the impact of a national teacher professional development programme on primary level learning outcomes in Tanzania.

The research tools have undergone extensive piloting in both workshop and school settings, and have been informed by exemplary practices such as the World Bank’s TEACH tool for classroom observation.

We are making these tools available to other researchers and practitioners and hope that they will prove useful. They are provided in editable format so that others can modify them as they see fit. (There are some references to our own project activities that will not be relevant to others.)

We continually update and enhance these live documents based on internal and external feedback to ensure they provide the most up-to-date and valuable resources for your research needs.

All of our packs are available to download in English and Swahili.

Data collection and visualisation tools in the education sector in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia

This document provides a landscape analysis of available data collection and visualisation tools in the education sector in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.

Digital data collection has the potential to facilitate cost-effective, adaptable, timely and reliable data to inform decision-making. The value proposition of these tools, as opposed to paper-based data collection, is that they have the potential to save valuable time and resources, minimise errors, and facilitate the sharing of results.

To develop this report, we reviewed 50 available tools, of which we reviewed four in depth, considering their uses, features, and challenges.

This report offers key takeaways on the potential advantages and limitations of using digital data collection tools in the education sector in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.

The EdTech Hub is a global non-profit research partnership
Our goal is to empower the people making decisions about technology in education.

What's trending

Data collection and visualisation tools in the education sector in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia

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Curated Tools for Teacher Continuous Professional Development

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Tools to Develop Teaching Knowledge and Skills

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The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in the content on this site do not necessarily reflect the views of The UK government, Bill & Melinda Gates foundation or the World Bank, the Executive Directors of the World Bank, or the governments they represent.

EDTECH HUB 2025. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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